KCBC | Our Beliefs and Philosophy
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Our Beliefs and Philosophy

Our Beliefs and Philosophy

At KCBC International, we believe that everyone has the potential to become an excellent athlete. We also believe that everyone needs a good coach to realise their full potential. This is why we accept players with open arms and we also emphasise greatly on professional coaching. This has always been our emphasis and will continue to be, as long as we exist. Passing on our skills to the next generation will remain our focus.

What makes us different?

In KCBC International, we place emphasis on innate talent, professional coaching and talent management.


What this means is that we look first for the intrinsic passion for badminton. Players who have a real love and talent for the sport.


Then we nurture and grow this talent with our team’s experience and skill in coaching badminton, transferring our decades of hard-won experience over to the next generation.


Finally, we cap it off with professional management, because talent and skill needs the right career pathway, guidance and protection to grow into its full potential, with our eyes always on national championships on the international platform.